Before john wick goes on a killing spree from mourning husband to a vengeful assassin, we see reeves in the shower, with the latin phrase, “fortis fortuna adiuvat” tattooed across his back.. the “fortis fortuna adiuvat” tattoo loosely translates as “fortune favors the bold”. the origin of this latin phrase is military, used as the motto of several military units over the world.. What john wick’s back tattoo means. therefore, the meaning of john wick’s tattoo’s isn’t “fortune favors the bold” as many fans claim. rather, it says “fortune will come save the strong ones” or, as griffin puts it, “it is only the strong ones that fortuna comes to save.”. Check this john wick tattoo t-shirt. click on link below for order or detail
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15 the meaning of the back tattoo. including ian mcshane as the owner of the gangster-friendly hotel the continental, bridget moynihan as wick's late wife, and john leguizamo as chop-shop owner aurelio. john wick chapter 2 will hit theaters on february 10, 2017. tags: john wick, john wick 2. Specialized waste disposal: john wick this post is full of have love, will travel. if you are wondering what john wick's back tattoo means, fortis fortuna adiuvat, the trend has been to translate it as with the simplest aspects of character and action invested with a ton of meaning, exactly the kind of narrative i love. The tattoo shown on wick's back during the shower scene is the latin phrase "fortis fortuna adiuvat", which literally translates to fortune favors the strong. john wick is referred to as the one who you send to kill "baba yaga". in slavic lore, baba yaga is usually portrayed as a witch that lives in a house standing on chicken legs.