Hi in this videos i just show you how to make a tattoo machine with dc motor it just for fun and not danger for you. thank for watching!!! please subscribe like comment and share for new upload. Learn how to make a tattoo machine in this video i tell u how to make a simple tattoo machine at ur home using dc motor , 9 v battery marker and pen if u like this video dont forget to like and share it. Transfer the image onto a sheet of paper, using a ballpoint pen of the color you'd like your tattoo to be. remember that the image you will then put on your skin as a tattoo will be the reverse of the image you now see. to make a good reverse image, take a glass and a flashlight..
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A tattoo machine is a hand-held device generally used to create a tattoo, a permanent marking of the skin with indelible ink.modern tattoo machines use electromagnetic coils to move an armature bar up and down. connected to the armature bar is a barred needle grouping that pushes ink into the skin.. Somewhere in between prison tats and a professional tattoo gun, comes the tattoo machine in this how-to video. you will need a tape deck motor, a stereo fly wheel, a 12 volt charger with different settings, a bobby pin hair clip, a brace, a wide pen, and a screw.. How to make a temporary tattoo. if you want to experiment with body art without permanently altering your skin, a temporary tattoo is the way to go. we use cookies to make wikihow great. have you ever bought a temporary tattoo from a quarter machine or the toy store? these temporary tattoos are printed onto water slide paper.