Japan has a long, varied history with tattoos. it’s complex, and i go into much greater detail in my book japanese tattoos: history*culture*design, but some of that history is connected to. If you're uncertain you might want to get help from a japanese speaking friend to make the appointment and perhaps join you for the short orientation before the actual procedure. whatever you do, don't get a cosmetic tattoo the day before an important event!! good thing it was a sunday and i could stay at home for most of the day. Japan is home to a rich tradition of tattooing. despite the widespread discrimination towards people with tattoos, with rules that prohibit tattooed people into hot springs, golf courses and gyms, it is still one of the best places in the world to get the best quality ink jobs..
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I myself don't have any tattoo's on me, but two of the guys do and i'm just wondering what kind of precautions should be taken incase there's any misunderstandings and we can't speak japanese to explain ourselves. btw we're asian, which could make it look worse i'm thinking?. Japanese tattoos mean different things with some wearing them as a sign of protection from charm and a symbol of devotion.the japanese tattoo design below can be perceived as a symbol of protection of the body from any harm or attack.. Japanese tattooing koi master tattooing. loading... unsubscribe from master tattooing? tattoo old school traditional chinese koi cheyenne hawk thunder - duration: 10:11..