Directed by david fincher. with daniel craig, rooney mara, christopher plummer, stellan skarsgård. journalist mikael blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by lisbeth salander, a young computer hacker.. The girl with the dragon tattoo - official trailer - in theaters 12/21 sony pictures entertainment. 2 brilliant moments in editing - duration: 9:34. cinefix 1,096,313 views.. The girl with the dragon tattoo was the first of the millennium series penned by late swedish writer stieg larsson. he initially planned for a 10-book series, but died after completing only three.
ผ่านมาสองวันแล้ว ไปงานหนังสือได้อะไรกันมาบ้างคะ - pantip
ผ่านมาสองวันแล้ว ไปงานหนังสือได้อะไรกันมาบ้างคะ - pantip
ช่วยแนะนำหนัง triller หรือหนังลึกลับซ่อนเงื่อน ปริศนาหัก
The girl with the dragon tattoo was not an overwhelming hit when it debuted in 2011, so it will be interesting to see how the existing fanbase responds to such drastic changes in front of and. The girl with the dragon tattoo (original title in swedish: män som hatar kvinnor; in english: men who hate women) is a psychological thriller novel by swedish author and journalist stieg larsson (1954–2004), which was published posthumously in 2005 to become an international bestseller.. The girl with the dragon tattoo this english-language adaptation of the swedish novel by stieg larsson follows a disgraced journalist, mikael blomkvist, as he investigates the disappearance of a weary patriarch’s niece from 40 years ago..