Gang tattoos identify gang members, symbolizes commitment and allegiance to one's gang, and can also identify a particular crime, threat or another gang-related event. tattoos are also often used to send a message of intimidation and ownership to other gangs. only gang members are permitted to wear the group's tattoo.. Common tattoos are names of relatives or gang members, symbols of aggression, tattoos advertising a particular skill, or religious imagery. one of the most well-known criminal tattoos is the teardrop tattoo. [citation needed] another common tattoo in american prisons and jails, especially for hispanic inmates, is four dots or three dots.. Another tattoo that is popular among gang members and other criminals is the tear-drop below the eye.this particular tattoo has various meanings, depending on the person receiving the tattoo..
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For many gang members who have served prison time and are committed to a life of crime, tattoos are a primary way to show allegiance. scroll through the gallery ahead to see more gang-related. Tattoos and their meanings tattoos are useful indicators to identify individuals who are members of a gang or a criminal organization. it is important to note that an image may have several different, occasionally innocuous, meanings, depending on the interpretation of the individual or gangs using it.. Tattoo meanings to avoid getting prison, gang & more. beauty • skin care • tattoos • wellness. written by meirav devash. written by us; illustrated by mau lencinas. editors' picks. home..